The last one is obviously my fav! Sunday morning we got up early again and headed over the lake house. Mitch immediately started fishing and caught like 5 fish in 3 minutes (there are a lot of sunnies in the shallow water around the boathouse). Then we headed out to the jumping rock again.
After lots of jumping, we had to outrun some rain but eventually found a nice cove to anchor in and do some relaxing. When the sun wasn't out it was FREEZING, but all in all it was a nice day!
When we got back to the boathouse in the early evening, the guys took the canoe out in the little cove area. By this point it was extremely windy and there were even some white caps in the lake, so venturing out any further would have been a little risky. Savanna headed out in the kayak after the guys, determined to catch them and then challenge them to a race. Turns out, even canoeing in the cove was risky, as when Savanna asked them to race, they were like "we can't right now, we are trying to straighten the canoe out," and the next thing we know (Brian's mom, dad, aunt, and I were all watching from the boathouse, fortunately!!) they were all like WHOA and the canoe just tipped right into the water. It was the funniest thing ever. They thought they were such wilderness men out there and they couldn't even keep the canoe upright! The water is probably about 15 feet out there, so after a few feeble and hilarious attempts to re-enter the canoe, they resigned themselves to swimming back to the shore while Savanna towed the canoe full of water behind her kayak. We laughed and took pictures of them their whole way in, while they swam in silence. In fact, I am still laughing now! Sorry for the millionth time for the blurry pics, but I had to zoom in lots to see them, but you get the basic idea.
After the comedy show, we headed back to the cabin for dinner, more 4-wheeling, and some wii bowling.
The next morning we had to pack up and head back home. On the way, we stopped in the town of Lake George on the southern half of the lake to get in some mini golf at a creepy course which deserves its own post (tomorrow!!), lunch, and get Mitch a souvenir. It was crowded but kids definitely like it for a few hours (again, if you go to Lake George, stay up north!!). While we were there, we saw an old lady pushing a dog stroller, a man on a motorcycle with a full skeleton sitting on the backseat, men in suits riding bicycles, and a junky car with "Thrill Master" painted on the side. We got home Monday night and I fell asleep at like 8:30! I am so grateful for wonderful vacations.

Such fun pictures!! Tubing pictures are always so funny- we got a lot in our recent trip our to Arkansas :) Looking forward to hearing about the creepy golf course, lol!!