"Lake George is without comparison, the most beautiful water I ever saw; formed by a contour of mountains into a basin thirty-five miles long and from two to four miles broad, finely interspersed with islands, its water limpid as crystal and the mountainsides covered with rich groves of silver fir, white pine, aspen and paper birch down to the water, here and there precipices of rock to checker the scene and save it from monotony. An abundance of speckled trout, salmon trout, bass, and other fish with which it is stored, have added to our other amusements the sport of taking them."
Man, they could write back then. That description is so true, as you will see in the pictures. Anyways, Brian and I get up there about twice a year (it's about 7 hours from where we live- depending on traffic, but that is a story for another day) and this time we brought my little brother Mitchell who has been itching to get up there, and my sister Savanna and her boyfriend Nick. Needless to say, they loved it! I am going to recap Friday and Saturday today and tomorrow I'll recap Sunday and Monday.
Friday we left around 2. Brian got a new car recently (more about that in another post too.. whew the bar exam really put me behind!) and it got kinda smushed in the backseat. I would be nice and give up my front seat save for that fact that I get extremely carsick and didn't want to risk it (oh and sorry for the crappy quality of some of the pics-- they're all from my iPhone and unedited besides the occasional crop).
We finally got to the cabin about 9 hours later after lots of traffic, PA roadwork, and a few stops. We pretty much said hi then hit the sheets-- we were exhausted and needed to rest up for a packed weekend. When I woke up at like 7am, I heard the dogs (Sandy and Guinness) running around, and I looked down and saw this:
Yea, Mitchell was excited to be there and was extremely busy all weekend. I swear that kid had more sugar than all of the rest of us combined, and he had the energy to show for it!
After a quick breakfast, we headed over to the lake where we headed out in the boat right away to get a "day island" we could hang out at all day. Rock jumping, cute ducks, amazingly clear water, and napping.. what more could a girl ask for?
After we left the day island, we rode around the lake a little then took Mitch to the "jumping rock," which is a 40-foot high rock that everyone who is anyone at the lake takes a turn jumping off. I didn't jump this time, but I have in the past and boy is it scary when you are standing up top. We didn't expect Mitchell to do it but he surprised us and didn't even hesitate! Again, sorry for the blurry pic but you can see just how high the rock is and it's proof that he and Savanna jumped (there will be more proof tomorrow!).
Once we got back, I laid out on the boathouse and read a non-law book (!!!) and everyone else kayaked and played around before we went back to the cabin for dinner, 4-wheeling, and a bonfire (which I missed because I fell asleep at like 8pm.. I'm fun). This post has gotten pretty long, so I will continue it tomorrow with lots more pictures a funny story about a tipping canoe!!

What a gorgeous place! Looks so serene and relaxing.
ReplyDeleteLooks SO pretty! I love a good weekend at that lake and that place looks perfect! So glad you had a good time! :)