Monday, February 10, 2014

Getting Back on the Horse

So Saturday we went to look at houses, and fell in love with the first one we saw. We halfheartedly looked at two after that (one of which was awful), but we just knew we wanted to put an offer in on the first house. We had to do this right away because somehow, the seller's agent accidentally double-booked the house to be seen at 10am, so we were NOT the only ones looking at the house while we were there, and from the looks and attitude we got from the other people who were looking at the house at the same time as we were, they were interested too. In fact, they were downright rude and treated us like we didn't even deserve to be there. It was obnoxious.

We put a very decent offer down a few hours later, and apparently so did that evil couple. They must have put in a super awesome-er offer though, because the seller accepted it and rejected us, just like that. No counter-offer, no nothing. We were bummed, it was sad. It would have been nice to get our first offer ever accepted, but you know what? We're lucky enough to have the opportunity to buy a house, and we have to remember that. There is another house out there for us, and we already have a few lined up to check out this week/weekend. It just wasn't meant to be. But that doesn't mean I'm still not bummed. At least I have Olympic figure skating to cheer me up (I love it). Here's to getting through yet another Monday unscathed.

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  1. I'm sorry about the mean couple. I've looked at more apartments than I can count while living in NYC and I definitely agree that something better for you two will be around the corner.

    So exciting to be house hunting! Good luck!

  2. That is so stressful. Sorry that you had to deal with rude people and even more sorry your offer wasn't accepted. Sounds like you are doing your best to keep a great attitude though, so yay! Your house IS out there!

  3. ah house buying can be so frustrating! it wasn't meant to be, so hopefully the next one will work out better :)

  4. You should have kicked them in the shins, it would have made you feel better and they'd have thought of it every day they lived there. :)

    I love figure skating too, I'm ready for the individual performances though. The team stuff was nice but I don't think they were giving it there all.

  5. I'm sorry the house didn't work out for you. Since the evil couple got it I hope that it turns out to be a money pit. :)

  6. Aw boo! It's a bummer your offer wasn't accepted...but it just means there is a better house out there for you guys!

    And YES! I love figure of my favorite parts of the Olympics. Though I've been digging the slopestyle snowboarding too...super awesome.

  7. Sorry to hear about your offer! I know how much a pain buying a house can be (I did it about 3 years ago). Just keep looking - you'll find something else you both will fall in love with and it will be perfect!

  8. I fell in love with two houses at the same time. I got the first one we put an offer on but unfortunately after living in it I wish I'd gotten the other one. Maybe it was a small favor.

  9. Hopefully there is an even better house waiting out there for you! Then you can laugh that you found it and not that evil couple.

  10. I love house hunting - LOVE. Yeah it can be stressful but isn't all shopping at times?
    It sucks that those a-holes took your house BUT the bright side - you get to keep adventuring!
    We're planning to buy in the fall and it's all I can do to keep myself from starting to look now which would be pointless but ahhhhhh it's just so tempting!
    Good luck, you're gonna find something! I just know it!

  11. That is always so disappointing but at least it was your first try and your looking at things in a positive way, even though it can be hard to do at times. Hope you find the house of your dreams soon!

  12. Ugh, RUDE couple! Don't worry, y'all will find something that you love even more!

    And yay for figure skating!

  13. boo. house hunting sucks large. maybe that's a blessing in disguise though and an even better home is just around the corner.

    Vodka and Soda

  14. I'm sorry the house didn't work out, but it just means it wasn't meant to be and there is something even better waiting for you guys! I fell in love with a house before we bought ours. My husband wasn't 100% sold on "how far out" it was so he didn't want to jump on it even though it was an AMAZING deal. The following week we set up an appointment to see it again...and it was gone before our appointment. It turned out for the best though and I love the house we have now!

  15. Blah, sorry about that rude other couple.

    I love the figure skating in the Olympics. I always marvel how they can do so much and not fall on their faces.

  16. Hopefully this won't be an overly long process, but how exciting to be in this stage of actively getting ready to have your own home!

  17. Sorry about the first house! I hope that you find another one you love!

  18. You will definitely find the right house for you guys! Maybe this weekend you'll find one you love even more and maybe even for a lower price?? That would wipe the last one right out of your mind :)

  19. Splendid. It's nice you've locked into a purchase this early and this fast. That is one stage right out the door! People would tend to wallow into the could-be's and should-be's while missing the salient aspects of buying a house, such as the money pressures it may leave you saddled with way into securing and getting some property like it. So just take off from there and look forward, and look into the other potential areas and dimensions of this purchase.

    Gateway Select

  20. I'm sure there's another house for you around the corner! Just keep your chin up and imagine that their roof leaks! :)

  21. I'm sorry girl :( praying for y'all!!!

  22. We are just starting to look at houses too and I'm going to be a complete wreck when it comes time to putting in an offer - I definitely don't well with that. I'm the person who does "Buy It Now" on eBay! I'm sorry to hear about your recent house.. the right one is just out there waiting for you!
    Nikki at

    Enter my giveaway for 2 $75 Belk Gift Cards here!!!


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