1. What don't you eat? I don't eat meat, fish, or food that contains gelatin or any other animal by-products. Though some people that are vegetarian eat fish (pescatarians), I view fish the same as like a chicken or a cow, but to each his own.
2. What DO you eat? I eat eggs and dairy, which technically makes me a lacto-ovo vegetarian. If I didn't eat eggs and dairy, I would be vegan. I love to eat pizza, mexican food, anything sweet!!, and pretty much anything you can think of that you eat that doesn't contain meat. I also eat veggie burgers and some meals that are typically made with meat but make mine with veggie crumbles (kind of like ground beef but made from soy-- they're not half bad I swear). My favorite veggie burgers are Morningstar Farms Grillers Prime.
4. Have you always been a vegetarian? As a kid, I never really liked eating meat. My dad has been a vegetarian since he was 17, so my mom always made meat and veggie meals, and I always gravitated towards the veggie meals. I always have been a PB&J girl, but I officially became a vegetarian when I was 8 and one day on the way to get a new piano for my lessons, I declared to my parents I was becoming a vegetarian.
5. Why did you become a vegetarian? Like I said above, I never really liked meat anyways, but I also feel strongly that many animals that are killed for our food are mistreated horribly (I am not referring to hunters; I am talking about the meat industry). If you don't want to know about this, then don't google it, because you'll never be able to think about it the same. This is why I buy cage-free eggs.
6. Aren't you missing out on important nutrition, like protein? Nope. As a kid my mom used to get my B12 and whatever else tested, but I was always fine. It is tough sometimes to not eat too many carbs, but I eat enough nuts, eggs, cheese, almond milk, and protein powder in smoothies to be fine. My calorie counting app Lose It! is awesome with tracking my protein and carb intakes for the day.
7. Does it bother you when people eat meat in front of you? Not at all, it's a personal choice and I do not mind or even give it a thought that people eat meat. What does bother me is when people shove their burger in my face and ask me if I mind that they're eating meat.. I mean seriously, would you like it if I shoved my food in your face? Yea, probably not, and that's usually my response.
8. Does it bother Brian that you don't eat meat and he does? Umm no, not at all, why would it? Brian is perfectly fine with me being a vegetarian and it has never been an issue.
9. Will you make your future kids eat meat? They can do whatever they want. I was never pressured by either of my parents one way or another, so I will not make this life choice for my kids. In my family, my dad, 15 year old sister, and I are the only vegetarians out of the 8 of us.
10. If someone gave you $100, $1,000, $1 million, etc., would you eat meat? Oh come on with this question. I get this all the time and it is seriously so irritating. You could ask anybody this question with something different subbed in at the end. My answer is no, probably not, but if you wanna offer me the million and find out, then feel free!
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me; I'm an open book!

my SIL is a vegetarian and has been for many years (since before i met her). she eats well, gets her complete protein daily and is very healthy!
Vodka and Soda
I think it is pretty cool that you are a veggie. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteYay Vegetarians! I won't force ny kids to be a veggie either. I'll start them off eating meat and let them decide once they are old enough to know where meat comes from. My bf doesn't care I'm a veggie either. His mom is one so he's used to it :-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were a vegetarian! I think that's awesome. I always admire people for living lifestyles that take so much commitment! Learned a lot...cool post!
ReplyDeleteMy brother was a vegetarian for the longest time. And now he only really eats chicken or fish.
ReplyDeletethis is a really interesting post! Im always curious as to why people don't eat meat!
ReplyDeleteThis is extremely informative! I've thought about it before, but I don't think I could give up steak. I did see videos in college about the food industry and it does sickin me though. I guess not enough for me to change my ways, but that's just laziness on my part.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter doesn't eat a lot of meat but loves fruit and veggies. It's good to know that being a vegetarian didn't hurt your health as a child because I'm always worried I need to make her eat meat so she has a fully balanced diet. :(
ReplyDeleteKudos to you for being able to go veggie! I enjoy a lot of veggies, but I've tried to cut meat entirely, and I swear I was ill for weeks! My fiance goes through phases of vegetarianism though haha
ReplyDeleteI've had vegetarian friends and I've heard them get asked similar questions a gazillion times, to the point where I get annoyed for them. haha
ReplyDeleteI try to limit my meat consumption for health purposes but I'm not sure I could ever give it up. I do try to buy organic and cage free as much as possible though.
So glad that you aren't the type of vegetarian who tries to push it on other people! My cousin used to be a vegetarian and would totally judge us when we'd eat meat in front of her and try making us feel guilty. Now she's a full blown carnivore, what a hypocrite hahah
ReplyDeleteI find this post so interesting! Thanks for sharing with us :)
ReplyDeleteThis was super interesting, and I love that you made the destination between the meat industry and hunters, you're clearly very educated in this subject and I respect you tons for that! xo
ReplyDeleteso true that no one cares about your protein intake until you say you're not eating meat! When I was in college I was vegetarian for a while, and even though I was probably the healthiest I've ever been, everyone acted like I was starving! Good for you for standing by your choice! :)
ReplyDeleteI was a vegetarian for a month and found it harder than eating meat - probably because the going out to eat options are so limited (one can only have so many salads!). I did end up trying lots of vegetarian things that I normally wouldn't have, though, and keep buying them because I like them. Sol Cusine Southwestern Black Bean Burgers are my favorite!
ReplyDeleteagree with so much of this since I've been a vegetarian since I was about 15 too. stopping over from two thirds hazel since I saw you had super cute doggies too :)
ReplyDelete-- jackie @ jade and oak