Friday, October 25, 2013

I Believe...

As I type this it is 31 degrees outside and 59 degrees in my house, so my fingers are kinda numb but I do not want to have to turn the heat on yet! I'm trying to hold out until November, which is why this morning I did NOT want to get out of bed with my nice electric blanket, but the dogs wouldn't stop whining and I'm a good dog mom so out I went haha. Now I need to warm up big time before I go to the market, but I'm out of hot chocolate!! 

Anyways, so last Friday I talked about things I can't believe, and today I'm going to talk about things I DO believe. I'm so creative (and I actually wrote these Friday at the same time I wrote that post haha).  
I believe..  

... in singing in the car. Even if you suck at it, but me? I'm an excellent singer ;-) 

... in crock pot recipes requiring no precooking-- just dump it & leave it. 

... dogs are a woman's best friend. I can't imagine not having a dog to snuggle up with!

... the book is almost always better than the movie. And hey, if you go to bed with a book, you never go to bed lonely! haha

... that you should decorate your house, your car, and your phone for every holiday! I have decorations for most holidays, all the way down to salt and pepper shakers, garden flags, candles, soaps, plug-ins, mugs, rugs, car air fresheners, iPhone cases, the works. 

... that going to church doesn't always make you a good Christian-- how about we let God do the judging, k? Cool.

... in Lifetime Movie Network. No explanation necessary.

... in watching Christmas movies anytime of year. Even in August.

... in listening to sad songs. Sometimes it's just nice, even if you cry.

... that honesty isn't always the best policy. If it's going to hurt someone's feelings unnecessarily then a little white lie is okay, at least in my book. 

What do you believe in? Have a great weekend!! 

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  1. Love this list! We have at ton in common. ;)

  2. Love all of it. Right there with ya on the church thing.

  3. Lifetime movies and sad songs. You are speaking my usual! Ha ha. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  4. Yes, to all of this! Singing in the car and crock pot recipes especially.

  5. love this list! and i'm with you on the crock pot - set it and forget it!!

    Vodka and Soda

  6. I just love these posts, they are my favorites to read I think!

    Going to church doesn't make a good Christian sometimes it doesn't even make a good person.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I also believe in decorating for every holiday. And the book is always better than the movie.

  8. Love it! Books ARE always better than the movie!

  9. YIKES! 31 degrees??!! I'm totally not ready for cold weather!! I, too, believe that dogs are a woman's BFF :)

  10. We actually are not allowed to turn the heat on until we clean the boiler soooo until then we freeze! dear God it has been friggin cold!!

  11. I love your list!! And I completely agree about little white lies to spare someone's feelings and decorating for holidays!

  12. I was trying to pick out the ones i agreed with.. but it turns out that I agree with all of them =)


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