Saturday, June 28, 2014

New Digs!

Today has turned out to be a pretty cool day. Aside from the fact that I had to get my car inspected at 8am and pay $200 for new brake pads, get my license renewed at PennDOT, wait a half hour at Brimmers to have my registration reflect my new address only to have the woman tell me the computers are down til Monday (she knew that for a half hour and made me wait all that time, grr!), and clean the nasty moldy stuff out of our washer (who am I kidding, Brian did that, I would puke!), something great just happened!!

Notice anything different? Kelli from Just Beachy just designed and installed my awesome new design and I love it! It's so clean and pretty and new and I can't stop looking at it! Thanks again Kelli, you are the best! I hope the rest of everyone's weekends are great; we are just hanging around and grilling out tonight, a perfect Saturday night. Oh, and P.S. I will post about how I'm asking my bridesmaids like I promised I would, but I accidentally wrapped everything up without taking pictures so now I have to wait until they open them to take pictures. Oops!

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