Monday, June 30, 2014

A Cake Filled With Rainbows and Smiles

I wasn't going to say anything about this, I really wasn't, but seeing such hurtful things every time I got on social media got me upset and made me rage a little bit. I refuse to even get into the fact that the majority of people commenting about the recent Supreme Court decision (I'm not going to say the case name because I don't want people Googling it and finding my blog, I don't need all that hate) actually have no idea what legal precedence is or what the Constitution actually says, let alone would they muddle through an entire bajillion page Supreme Court opinion like us poor lawyers had to do back in law school (here's the link if you want to, though.. it's 95 pages).

But look guys, we all have our own opinions about religion, women's rights, etc. etc. etc. but I can think of absolutely no reason to disrespect other people, call them names, or belittle their opinions. We are all entitled to those opinions, and yes, we have the right to say what we want, but what is the point of bashing people? It is okay to disagree with people and have a healthy debate, but c'mon, it's hard enough to change someone's religious and political views in a regular conversation, so why the heck would you think you could convert someone over to your way of thinking by calling them names and hurling insults? I've logged into various social media platforms today and seen quotes such as "If you agree with SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States, FYI), you don't deserve to be a woman/you don't get to have a vagina" and "eff everyone who is cheering about today's decision, you're all asshats." Yes, adults actually said those things. Really guys, really? We as humans, and especially as women, are supposed to be building each other up, not tearing each other down. The general sentiment from Ms. Norbury's speech at the assembly in Mean Girls rings true in this situation: "you all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it ok for guys to call you sluts and whores."

Okay, let me get down off my soapbox. I guess the point of this whole post is to remember the Golden Rule, forever and ever, amen! I will leave you with this Mean Girls gif that pretty much sums up my whole post ;-)

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  1. Oh I so agree. I think people need to learn how to express an opinion without the 'bashing' and negativity. Decency has been lost in our generation and shot to bloody hell in the generation behind us.

  2. Preach! I HATE it when people say you have to be kind and have an open mind... then proceed to call people names and insist that their way is the only right way. If you agree with the ruling then fine. If you don't agree then fine. We live in the U.S.! We can think that if we want to! Why tear each other down?

  3. I think the social media age has made it okay to talk about things that were previously taboo subjects outside of your inner social circle (religion and politics). I really try my best to avoid most political/religious discussions via social media, they rarely end well.

  4. Amen! I can't stand the digital name calling and passive aggressive (or blatantly aggressive) social media posts. If a person wants to talk about how this decision could affect future cases or their beliefs in a calm manner, I'd be cool with that. But why belittle yourself and others by whipping out curse words and hurtful names? Madness.

  5. I so agree! If someone doesn't agree with me, so what? But some people get so upset if everyone doesn't think like they do. I don't understand.

  6. People don't understand the difference between having an opinion and being an asshole. That's what it boils down to.

  7. Good for you for posting this!! I'm actually torn on the subject. On the one hand, I do think women should be able to choose and I don't like that Hobby Lobby outsources to China where they practically force employees to abort, but I'm happy that someone was able to challenge Obamacare and uphold the constitutional rights. We are on a very slippery slope, and I don't know how it's all going to end.


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