That's her in the background (P.S. I was stylish, I know)
One. She talked to her parents very loudly on the phone all day every day. I couldn't even do my homework or pretty much spend any time in my own dorm room because she was ALWAYS on the phone and she never left the room! And while she was on the phone, she'd ask permission to attend events, "Mom, is it okay if I go to bingo tonight?" She'd also run her clothing choices past her parents, "Dad, I'm wearing these jeans and this printed turtleneck shirt tomorrow with my clogs, is that alright?"

Two. She wasn't allowed to make a Facebook. Well, I was

Three. She was constantly texting me to see where I was. "It's 11:30pm on a Tuesday, don't you have class tomorrow?" "Where are you? I need to know in case your mom calls and asks me." "If there's a fire I need to know where you are, please let me know ASAP when you get this." Ughhh I am NOT your child or your friend and you don't need to know where I am 24/7, and also, my mom will never call you asking where I am, EVER. She knows I'm an adult and can handle myself, unlike some other parents I know.
Four. Needless to say I spend a lot of time not in my dorm room. Well on Halloween I was down the hall in my friend's room when we hear hysterical screaming and crying. We ran to the sound, which of course was coming from my room. In fact, the R.A. and about 5 other girls ran to our room to see what was the matter. We found my roommate crying, and assumed the worst (that someone had died or she was seriously injured). Nope, she had called her parents and they told her they were "busy" right now, as a little Halloween "trick." Weirdest thing ever, but she took it to mean that they were having sex. I lost my mind at this point, and told her "Oh shut up, so what if they're having sex? How do you think you were conceived? Stop crying." Everyone dispersed, laughing/super annoyed.

Five. Later in the semester, I was in bed sleeping at like 8am when I hear her clogs stomping and her loud mouth coming down the hall towards our room (her class had been cancelled). Not caring that I was sleeping, she burst in, turned on all the lights, and continued her loud conversation with her mom. That was IT, I'd had enough, this had happened three dozen too many times. So I picked up my phone, called MY mom, and said "Hey mom, do you think you could send me some EARPLUGS? Alright thanks, talk to you later." Well another charming habit of my roommate's was to talk on AIM to her parents while also on the phone with them. So immediately after I called my mom about the earplugs I hear her typing furiously, then I hear her mom through the phone say "WHAAAT? SHE ASKED FOR EARPLUGS?!" hahahaha (also, we know where she inherited the loud mouth trait from)
Six. The blow-up. One night I was hanging out in a friends dorm room and we went and got salads to eat for dinner. I wasn't hungry yet so I went into my room to put it in my mini fridge. I walk in and she stands up, puts her hands on her hips (danger Will Robinson) and starts screaming at me, "I can't belieeeeeve you didn't tell me you were going to dinner, how dare you? You're so selfish and you're stealing ALL my friends" (uhh what?)! I calmly sat down at my desk, got on my computer, and ignored her. My friends heard her from down the hall and they came in and told her to calm down. My one friend tried to act like a counselor and made us list all our grievances about each other because she knew I had to deal with this girl for the rest of the year. My list could have filled a book, but she only had ONE complaint about me-- "your desklamp is too bright." Umm okay we have the SAME EXACT lamp but whatever, I can change, it'll be hard but I'm willing to make the sacrifice. bahaha
Seven. I know I've been pretty negative about my roommate, so I guess I should list her good quality: She went home EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. Yup, her parents picked her up every Friday afternoon and didn't bring her back til early Monday morning. It was amazing to have my room all to myself and be able to live like an actual college student (except she'd make it clear to me that I wasn't allowed to touch any of her stuff or sit on her bed while she was gone.. oooh tempting but don't worry, I won't).
She actually did stay one weekend early on in the first semester, but her parents came up for the day on that Saturday. They invited me and my other friend to come with them to the mall, and since we were car-less we tagged along. While there, my friend and I got our cartilages pierced. Uh oh, we were in trouble now, because "did you get your parents' permission first?" "No ma'am, my mom doesn't make me call her before I get an ear pierced."
This was clearly someone who was NOT ready to go away to college, as evidenced by the fact that she moved out (without telling me) one Saturday in February when I was actually at home for a weekend. Hallelujah, that next semester was the best ever.
Tell me some of your roommate stories in the comments, I'd love to compare! Alright have a great weekend! Linking up with Whitney (this song reminds me of my freshman year because it was when I first discovered Taylor and listened to her on repeat).
Seven. I know I've been pretty negative about my roommate, so I guess I should list her good quality: She went home EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. Yup, her parents picked her up every Friday afternoon and didn't bring her back til early Monday morning. It was amazing to have my room all to myself and be able to live like an actual college student (except she'd make it clear to me that I wasn't allowed to touch any of her stuff or sit on her bed while she was gone.. oooh tempting but don't worry, I won't).

She actually did stay one weekend early on in the first semester, but her parents came up for the day on that Saturday. They invited me and my other friend to come with them to the mall, and since we were car-less we tagged along. While there, my friend and I got our cartilages pierced. Uh oh, we were in trouble now, because "did you get your parents' permission first?" "No ma'am, my mom doesn't make me call her before I get an ear pierced."
This was clearly someone who was NOT ready to go away to college, as evidenced by the fact that she moved out (without telling me) one Saturday in February when I was actually at home for a weekend. Hallelujah, that next semester was the best ever.
Tell me some of your roommate stories in the comments, I'd love to compare! Alright have a great weekend! Linking up with Whitney (this song reminds me of my freshman year because it was when I first discovered Taylor and listened to her on repeat).

Your roommate sounds horrible. I can't even imagine dealing with something like that. I was lucky enough to room with my best friend since 6th grade for the first two years of college!
ReplyDeleteThis isn't about my roommates, but our neighbors across the hall. They liked to have dance parties until 3 am on Sunday nights and I had an 8 am class on Mondays. So one Monday morning rolled around and I pushed my (very loud) electric pencil sharpener against the wall where I knew one of their beds were and sharpened an entire pack of pencils down to the erasers.
Needless to say, they never did it again. :)
Wow. I thought I had bad roomie stories but that is terrible. I can't believe a family like that exists. I've just had dirty roommates who are allergic to cleaning and a roomie who refused to pay her fair share of the rent. It was worth the money to never see her again.
ReplyDeleteI totally love her best quality was not being there on the weekends. Hahahaha! Your stories crack me up, I love your face.
ReplyDeleteThat is the most mental college roommate story I've ever heard. That poor girl is going to have a long and frustrating life, what a shame. But, hey, at least she moved out in February!
ReplyDeleteI had a roommate once who;s boyfriend was so awful that I eventually moved out. He was there ALL THE TIME and was the worst. He actually finished my birthday cake that was in the fridge. Are you kidding me? It has jelly beans on it, for f*ck sake, it's obviously not open season on mama made birthday cake, jackhole!
I had a terrible roommate in college. I actually caught her having sex w her 30+ year old boyfriend in my bed under my blanket. Eweweew
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! I was lucky in college. My dorms had suite style rooms. Each suite had 4 single person bedrooms and then a bathroom that we shared. I had awesome suite mates, though!
ReplyDeleteMy goodness. Some people do their kids a complete disservice by babying them. Did her parents have lives to live beyond being on the phone all day every day? Please tell me you have facebook stalked her and she is one of four sister-wives with 18 kids now or something deservedly crazy like that...
ReplyDeleteThat sounds terrible. I, too, had a terrible roommate. However, she was also one of my best friends from high school (yea, yea, bad idea). I ended up QUITTING SCHOOL for spring semester, transferred, and her and I really haven't spoken since. I look back at it and laugh... but WOW! Haha
ReplyDeleteWow, your roommate sounded pretty ridiculous!!! I have had some interesting roommate experiences. Nothing too crazy I don't guess. One of my roommates my sophomore year of college moved out because me and our other 3 roommates weren't cool enough. We had to study and work, and she just wanted to party and couldn't handle that some nights we would be in our rooms doing our homework or studying for a test. Another year one of my roommates stared copying me and my friend on everything that we did. Then she went crazy and started having an eating disorder for attention. Her and my friend had a blow up one night, then she never talked to us again. She would just ignore us when she came home. Then she started letting her creepy new boyfriend whom we didn't know start staying over every night. He would do his laundry there and everything! He wasn't even a student. I couldn't wait to move out at the end of the semester from her!
ReplyDeleteWoah, that girl has some serious issues! I would have snapped after about a month. I went home almost every weekend my freshman year and I was on the phone with my long-distance boyfriend a lot. But I had the decency to step out of the room, keep my voice down, or switch to texting when it was late at night or early morning. Glad she eventually moved out and you got some peace!
ReplyDeleteOMG how is that real life?! Clearly not equipped to have gone off to college, nor were her parents ready to let her leave. My parents were like 'call if you need money BYE' (not really but they never checked on me!)
ReplyDeleteOh boy she was something! I had a roomie my third year that I couldn't stand! Luckily there was three of us and I got along famously with the other one. She was so annoying but I won't go into detail now because I don't think this comment section could hold all of my complaints about her!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
babababahahahaha holy hell these are horrible stories!!
ReplyDeletenothing against theater majors but my roommate freshman year would CONSTANTLY be singing to herself in the mirror (and while her voice was decent) it got to be annoying rather quickly. oh, and her BF was ALWAYS ALWAYS in the room, i never had it to myself and she was constantly fighting with him and it was much I had to leave (again). it was horrible. i moved out the next semester to the apartments and got my own room lol.
Oh lord i have my own freshman roommate nightmare stories lol Awful ..I hate you went through all that!
ReplyDeleteUgh the worst! I was stuck with the roommate on our floor that no one really liked. She made every story about her dad being the mayor, even though I later found out he wasn't even the mayor of her town anymore! Plus, who really cares?
ReplyDeleteThere was one time when a bunch of guys on the first floor convinced her that they had video cameras in our room, and that they had seen my fall out of bed and I was bleeding on our floor. Apparently she came SPRINTING down the hall screaming my name to see if I was ok. I was sound asleep so I missed all of it...
Oh. My. God. She is insane!! I would have lost my mind!! But, I also had a room to myself second semester of freshman year so I totally know how awesome that is!
ReplyDeleteOMG. You are such a good person for dealing with her because I would have LOST. MY. SHIT!
ReplyDeleteAhh! I just saw your post at 2/3 Hazel- I used to have a wire-haired dachshund named Schnitzel! Freaking most clever name for a weenie ever! Go us!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my word! At least you have ridiculous stories to tell now! The worst I had was a suite mate in college whose fish died...and she left it there for two weeks. Yup, nasty!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I can't even believe this girl! I'm sorry you had to live through that, but also kind of not sorry because it's so funny now! :)
ReplyDeleteWe have come to the time now where wearing ear plugs doesn't just mean protecting your hearing from too much noise. We also found the need to wear a pair when we don't want to be disturbed by outside noise, especially when we're trying to concentrate on something important, or when trying to sleep. Your roommate is one-of-a-kind, actually.
ReplyDeleteDarren @ Ear Peace
Medical research clears that ear plugs are necessary for health protection of ears.So i always prefer to wear the best quality earplugs.