So I sat at the car shop this morning for 2 hours (thanks PA for making me get an inspection and emissions test every year) and highlighted incessantly in my bar points book. Now, I think I deserve a short break after all that, so I present to you 5 of my favorite things at the present moment:

2) Latisse. I just started last week, and these are my BEFORE eyelashes (sorry for the creepy pic of my eye!). I have the smallest, lightest eyelashes known to man, and I decided to finally take the plunge after hearing so many good things about it. I will post a pic at 8 weeks and 16 weeks to show my results. Pray for long eyelashes! You need to go to an eye doctor, plastic surgeon, or some other type of skin care doctor to get this because it requires a prescription, and it isn't cheap, but the bottle apparently lasts like forever (like 8 months or something) so that's good. You can find out more info here
3) Mason jar cup. Brian bought me this cup for $10 at Target last week, and I absolutely love it and drink all of my drinks out of it now. LOVE LOVE LOVE
4) Gilmore Girls. I just love this show so much and I can't make a love list without including my fav show ever! I have all the seasons and watch them in my spare time start to finish, then I simply start over again with Season 1 right away. Yea, Brian (my boyfriend) loves it (that's sarcasm, my friends). Haha but he actually puts up with it pretty well.
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
5) Lastly, this isn't really a "thing," but I am trying to keep this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson in mind everyday. Glennon from Momastery posted it on Facebook the other day, and it is such a good reminder. I even typed it up, framed it, and put it in our bedroom.
Thanks for reading!!
**These opinions are my own and are no way endorsed by any of the companies I mentioned-- I just love these things and wanted to share!!**
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