It's cold outside and I don't think it's ever going to get above freezing again. Like seriously, you know it's sad when you get excited because the high temperature of the day is supposed to be 18. Ugh. I normally like the winter but this is just getting ridiculous. My feet and hands never get warm and it snows like every other day and the dogs poop on the floor because they refuse to go outside and then you step in it and it sucks.
Know what else sucks? 40 hour work weeks. I am exhausted when I get home and all I want to do is put my PJs on and drink hot chocolate because I'm so tired and cold, so that's what I do. When it's dark at 5pm and the temps are subzero, you really don't have much other choice.
I am sick of all the food I normally eat. I'm normally a pretty picky eater on top of the fact that I don't eat meat and lately everything looks and sounds super gross. I think it's because we eat the same meals week after week because they are fast and easy to prepare when we get home from work but yuck, I need quick, heatlhy, non-gross dinner ideas. Help a sister out, please?! Also, I take the same food for lunch every day and it's getting old: coconut greek yogurt, string cheese, pistachios, and a lara bar. Blahhh
Also, I hate when people bug the crap out of me and say "vegetarian" (or vegan, because they're misinformed) in a condescending, or worse, teasing tone. You know what? I make my own food choices and I don't make fun of yours or question them endlessly so don't make fun of mine. Just shut up.
Speaking of food, I feel gross lately. I am not going to step on a scale because I'm scared, but I'm sure the number isn't pretty. Like I said, I don't feel like doing anything after work and I go to bed at 9 and I'm just soooo tired all the time. I wish I could be a runner, but there's just no way. I never have been even when I was super in shape for high school soccer and every time I start C25K I give up after Week 2. Plus there's that whole "it never gets above 5 degrees" thing.
You know that saying "God will only give you what you can handle." I think that's crap. Because if that were true my family would have stopped getting "stuff" while ago. Long story short, my brother is going through some stuff and it's super stressful. Also, Taylor has been extremely sick the past few months, as in, in and out of the hospital and on homebound for school sick. We are just looking for some answers and they are really hard to come by. If you have a few extra seconds or minutes in your prayers tonight, my family sure could use them. I think God gives us more than we can handle so that we turn to him in hard times, but honestly, it doesn't always make it better. I wish it did.
So this post pretty much turned into me being a big old whine-bucket. Also sorry about the overuse of someecards. #cantstopwontstop I hope to return to your regularly scheduled programming on Monday. Have a good weekend people, and make sure to eat lots of good Super Bowl food.
P.S. Don't forget to sign up for the Local Products Love Box Swap. Also, I have one Silver ad spot left for February, get it for only $2 with code FROSTY.